Good News Stories

Read all about it....

Click below to read just a few of our participants personal journeys:

Disabled Website Developer Sian Andrews ready to launch!

Website page developer and part-time administration officer Siân Andrews aged 27, will always cherish the 22nd March 2019....

Workways+ helps Rob build better life

At 48 years old, low skilled and long-term unemployed, Rob Driscoll thought that 
his chances of finding a job that he could enjoy were extremely limited. 


Volunteer to get yourself a brighter future

People volunteer for a variety of reasons. Some volunteer to build up their confidence, skills and work experience while others volunteer because they like to meet new people and welcome the opportunity to build a better social life. 

Mum overcomes ill health and low confidence to start new career

Former care sector worker Hannah Howells (on the right with Carol Workways+)  was forced to give up her job after a long period of debilitating ill-health. Aged 32, Hannah felt she was in a very difficult situation.


Never too late to start a new career

When ill health brings your employment to a halt but you battle on despite economic hardships and low self-esteem you hope something at some point will go right. In Angela’s case, this was when she was introduced to the Workways + service.

Workways+ helps Raymond ‘cater’ for success

Raymond Ray aged 52 loves his new job as a kitchen porter so much he wants to encourage others that have experienced the despair of long-term unemployment to follow his path to success. Employed off and on for 15 years Raymond struggled with finding a steady job, a problem he believes was caused by his hearing difficulties, gaps within his employment history, lack of qualifications and his childcare responsibilities.

Passion for care leads to new career

Passion for care leads to new career Christopher Martin Evans qualified as an electrician in 1991 but quickly realised it wasn’t the job for him. Despite success in the business he had a nagging urge to work in something he could be passionate about. When Christopher lost his driving license, his career as an electrician came to an abrupt halt.

Forklift license helps lift Justin to new heights

 With multiple health issues including severe arthritis, for Justin Davies-Jones Getting a full time job was always going to be a challenge. At age 14, due to poor health, Justin left school without any qualifications. With low self-esteem and no work experience to call upon, aged 26, Justin was desperate to take control of his life. 

Doors open for Mark

Mark said “it’s been literally life changing with support every step of the way from all of the Workways+ team. I would recommend Workways+ to anyone who is finding it difficult to locate a placement or work. Now, I am happy in work, I can finally have hope for the future; normal life stuff, own my own car, home with garage where I can work on my own projects”.

Workways+ help secure more job opportunities with local businesses

"Working with the Workways+ Team was great and my mentor Wendy was very supportive. She went above and beyond to find a job that suited my needs. Wendy was able to take into account my previous roles, experiences and skills and really listened to my aims for the type of job that I was looking for. She provided practical support to get me through the CV, application and interview process. I'm thrilled to be part of this enterprise and part of the team at The Moody Cow. I would recommend Workways+ to anyone looking to get back into employment".

Janine swaps the Big Smoke for the quiet life

“Re-locating to a new place where I didn’t know anyone was very daunting. Once I settled into my home I had to go and look for work, I’d never been out of work so didn’t know where to start.  I was referred to Workways+ and immediately felt supported.  They sourced a volunteering placement which turned into a job at the Castle and I love it.  Working in such a beautiful place was my dream, I couldn’t be happier.”

Llanelli man carves out his future in finance

“I was extremely grateful to Workways for the supporting me, after being self-employed for years I didn’t know where to turn. My Mentor re-built my confidence, helped me find work and still touches base with me to check on my journey. I am so happy now, we opened the shop earlier in the year, and we have gone from strength to strength.”

Former Soldier returns to work after 13 years unemployment
‘I can’t thank Workways+ enough, I didn’t know where to turn and I just wanted a chance to show what I could do. I’m a hard worker and was desperate to get back to work to support my family and get my life back. My Workways+ mentor, Jackie, helped me regain my confidence and made me believe in myself again. My life is so much better now I have a permanent job, and a steady income.'

Natasha has it all figured out

“Being new to the area I didn’t know where to start looking for work. I heard about Workways+ and went along to The Hub, Llanelli. My mentor helped me with my CV, supported me with job applications, prepared me for job interviews and then found me my perfect job. I have settled in so well at Broadleaf Timber LTD, all the staff are so friendly and make me feel like part of the team. I have now been working here 6 months and I couldn’t be happier. My children have settled in well and I am able to fit work around the school run.”

Gerald's cooking up a storm in his new role
‘I’ve been out of permanent employment since moving to Pembrokeshire 5 years ago, but since having the support of Workways+ in August last year, things have really progressed for me.  The best thing for me has been the mentoring support provided by Jackie, all the support I have wanted I have had. I am so much more happy and confident now I am back in work.”

New business venture is a piece of cake
Sabrina said “I never ever thought I would have my own business, it had always been my dream but I didn’t think it was possible. Workways+ made me realise it was possible, they put me on the courses that I needed to get the relevant certificates to start. My mentor was so patient and couldn’t do enough for me. Thanks to Workways+, I now do my dream job every day and get paid for it, I can fit it around the children and I couldn’t be happier.”

Being back in work is child’s play for Angela

“Working with the Workways+ Team was great, my Mentors were so supportive. They gave me the confidence to focus on my strengths and provided practical support to get me through the CV, application and interview process. A year ago I would never have thought I would be in a job I enjoy doing. I am over the moon and this has had a positive effect on my family, now I have a steady income and we can enjoy a better quality of life.”

David takes the Bull by the horns

David said “It is helping my confidence and giving me the opportunity to meet people. I think doing this will give me the confidence to apply for jobs in the future. The staff here at The Bulldogs have really welcomed me into the team, I am enjoying being back in an office environment and enjoying the work and learning new IT skills.”

Hundreds take first step on route to employment

Pembrokshire Workways Team Over 130 people attended the first Pembrokeshire Workways+ jobs fair with over 30 employers and training providers under one roof.

Simon Rosser, Store Manager of B&M, Pembroke Dock said ''We had a very productive day and had lots of interest, now the interviewing starts''

Owain prints out his future

Owain Jones Press Release "Having a job has made a big difference. I’ve got more confidence and enjoy getting up and going to work doing something I love. I am using my programming skills to develop new products in the company. If I hadn’t had help from Workways+, I wouldn’t have had this opportunity. I am so much happier now and my anxiety levels have reduced considerably."


Darren has a fresh start at 'Our Place'

Darren Casseldine

“Workways+ couldn’t do enough for me, my mentor really helped build my confidence and encouraged me to try something completely new.  Workways+ suggested I try volunteering so I could try new lines of work. I started at Our Place and loved it, I was learning new skills and was able to use my skills as a carpenter to help the service users learn too.  After 6 weeks I was taken on, the team really welcomed and encouraged me on my new journey. Being back in work has done wonders for my quality of life. I can’t thank the Workways+ staff enough – they really did go above and beyond the call of duty to find me a job.”

Caring Mum returns to work after 14 years

Caring Mum returns to work after 14 years

“I enjoyed the work experience so much and I am delighted to have been offered a permanent position in a field in which I am so passionate.

“It was a big step returning to work after 14 years but after all the support I got from the Workways+ team, I felt ready. My mentor helped me no end, he helped build my confidence and made me realise I could give something back to the community.

“I wanted to work in the care sector as I wanted to support other families and children that were going through the same as me.

“I’m learning new skills every day which I can adapt to my home life with caring for my son. Life is so much better now, I have a regular wage and I’m more confident in myself.”

Box Office is a Hit with Hadley


 “The biggest thing it has given me is confidence.” Hadley said.

Workways+ mentor Hannah said “Hadley has been very enthusiastic about his volunteering at the Theatr, his self-esteem has really increased and he is very eager to apply for jobs that will utilise his new skills.”

Three local men find work with help from employment project

Burns Pet Nutrition jobs for Workways+ participants

“I’d been unemployed for 2 ½ years when I saw an advert for Workways+ in the Job Centre in Carmarthen. I went to see if they could help me and straight away they told me they could. My mentor helped me with my cv and asked where I would like to work, I said I’d love to work with Burns Pet Nutrition as I’d heard they’re an amazing company to work for. After a couple of weeks my mentor called to say he had secured me an interview with Burns, I was chuffed. I got the job, initially it was short term but has since been extended to March next year and possibly longer. I am over the moon, I love working with Burns, I feel like part of a family, the hours are great and I’m enjoying the work.”

Local Community Hub welcomes Llanelli man into the IT crowd


 “Workways+ has helped me gain back my confidence and are helping me to achieve my goal of returning to work. I am so grateful to Workways + for their encouragement and support. The Kidwelly Community Hub has made me feel so welcome and part of the team which is a great feeling.”



Local people find long term jobs with a Lidl help from employment project

Workways+ participants
 “Without Workways+ I don’t think I would have got this job.  My mentor helped me so much, she boosted my confidence and encouraged me to pursue a number of opportunities.  Now having a regular wage coming in it will make a massive difference to me and my family.”



Workways+ catches up with Past Participant Ian Thomas

Workways catches up with Past Participant Ian Thomas

Ian said “I am so grateful to Workways for helping me find work. My mentor Rebecca helped me so much, she boosted my confidence and encouraged me to pursue opportunities that I perhaps wouldn’t have done so on my own. I am happier now than I’ve ever been, being back in work has boosted my confidence, reduced my stress levels and the daily routine means I now have a more active and healthier lifestyle resulting in me losing 5 stone in weight. I would recommend Workways+ to anyone that is looking to get back in to employment, the training opportunities and paid work experience they offered really helped me find not just a job but a career”.