Workways+ helps Rob build better life

Left to right Mike Miles, Miles Plant Hire, Rebecca Hughes, Workways+ and Rob Driscoll, Miles Plant Hire 

At 48 years old, low skilled and long-term unemployed, Rob Driscoll thought that his chances of finding a job that he could enjoy were extremely limited. In fact, he had all but given up hope. Then Rob was introduced to Workways+ and his life changed. Workways+ is dedicated to helping people improve their lives through volunteering, work experience, training and employment.

Rob’s history included caring for his mother and a series of unsatisfactory temporary labouring jobs. Rob was under great stress and on occasion, this manifested itself in unsociable behaviour. Rob had large gaps in his employment record and he felt this was another barrier.

Rob first signed up with Workways+ in December 2016 but through stress and anxiety caused by his situation, he was not able to take full advantage of the support available. However, after a period of false starts Rob fully committed to the support and has not looked back.

Workways+ assigned Rob a dedicated mentor to work with him on a one to one basis.
Rob’s mentor worked with him to identify what type of job would suit him best. Enjoying practical work and the outdoor life, the building trade was an obvious match and a sector Rob already had experience. Workways+ provided Rob with support to develop his CV, job search and build his confidence. They funded his application for the Construction Skills Certification Scheme card and helped him pass the online test. Without a CSCS card, you cannot work on a building site. The next step was to get Rob a placement within a building company to develop his skills and build his work experience.

Workways+ funded a ‘Paid for Work Opportunity’ with Pembrokeshire based building company Miles Plant Hire. ‘Paid Work Opportunities’ run over several weeks and enable businesses to employ and provide experience to people without any cost to them. Rob started work with Miles Plant and loved it. Employed as a general labourer, Rob has demonstrated great enthusiasm and commitment for the role.

Miles Plant Hire supervisor Mike Miles said, “First onsite and last to leave, Rob is a great example to everyone. Always happy, cooperative, willing to learn and take on new roles, Rob is someone that we are confident in investing in. Rob started with labouring in ground works but showed he was able and willing to do other tasks like building kerbs, scaffolding, landscaping and mixing concrete. We are now moving him on to other roles and are training him to use plant like operating the JCB and dumper truck.”

Rob’s 16 week ‘PWO’ ended on the 21st April and Miles Plant Hire was pleased to offer Rob a full time job from that day onward.

A delighted Rob said, “Workways+ gave me my chance to prove to everyone and myself that I could have a good job. I am now employed at 40 hours per week and for the first time I have money in the bank. I love my job not just because it is regular work but also because they believe in me and are willing to train me to do new things. It is the first time that I have felt I have a good future. I can’t thank Workways+ enough. The practical support they have given me has been great and the fact that they funded a placement for me in a company so I could prove what I was capable of was what really got me on my feet. It’s a wonderful service and would recommend them to anyone looking to get on.”

Workways+ is part funded by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government.
For further information on how Workways+ can help you please text or call 07943 986122 / email or visit