Volunteer to help others and yourself


Volunteers can make a positive difference in the lives of the most vulnerable people in society. With Covid 19 forcing people into isolation, many are feeling lonely, anxious and stressed. Socialising in community centres, libraries and other public places is not yet an option. Now is the time for people that can, to step forward to help others and by doing so can also help themselves.




Volunteering can be sociable, educational and can provide the experience and skills employers value. In this unprecedented time of isolation, volunteering can give the volunteer a glowing feeling of satisfaction that they have helped people, giving them someone to speak to, someone to laugh with, that human interaction people value so much.
Workways+ is ready to help with making introductions and arranging for online training. Together with organisations like Neath Port Talbot CVS, Workways+ can also help to identify volunteering opportunities. All of Workways+ support can be delivered over the phone and is fully funded.
Cari Elizabeth Williams, Fiona Passmore and Claire Turner, residents of Neath Port Talbot are three people that have taken up volunteering opportunities through the support of Neath Port Talbot CVS and Workways+. 

Cari and Fiona both volunteer with Community Companions, a telephone befriending service set up by Neath Port Talbot CVS that helps people cope with isolation and loneliness through providing a friendly volunteer to chat with them. Fiona also volunteers with Age Connect where she makes face masks. Claire, who is a Workways + Mentor volunteers with Age Cymru delivering hot meals to people throughout the county.

Cari said, “When I heard about the telephone befriending scheme, I was really keen to get on board, especially in light of the current situation. For me, it is the perfect way to give something back to those in the community that might feel anxious and lonely.”

Fiona said, “I have responsibility for several of my own elderly relatives so I know how worrying this time is for them. It is wonderful to be in a position where I can help other people by having a lovely chat. Making masks is sadly an obvious need today and it’s great to play my part.”
Claire said, “People need help and I am very pleased to volunteer. It’s rewarding on so many levels. I am grateful for the opportunity.”

Neath Port Talbot CVS delivers interactive volunteer induction training through a variety of ways, such as online Zoom sessions or sessions over the telephone for those who would prefer not to complete the online training. Concerns and questions are answered live during the training sessions to ensure volunteers are equipped to undertake their new volunteering roles.
Together with organisations like Neath Port Talbot CVS, Workways+ can help with securing volunteering opportunities from a wide number of organisations. Workways+ can also deliver a range of free online training, and in many cases where training has to be purchased, Workways+ can fund the cost of the course.

Officers employed by Neath Port Talbot Council deliver Workways+ within Neath Port Talbot. Workways+ is part funded by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government. 

All the help Workways+ can give is now available over the telephone. For Neath Port Talbot Workways+ please telephone 01639 684250 or see www.workways.wales for your nearest office.