Volunteer to get yourself a brighter future

Volunteer Meihslang and Rhiannon, Workways+ 

People volunteer for a variety of reasons. Some volunteer to build up their confidence, skills and work experience while others volunteer because they like to meet new people and welcome the opportunity to build a better social life. One thing all volunteers have in common is the overwhelming good feeling that helping others brings about.
Many of the people that have ‘given back’ through volunteering via Workways+ have reported significant improvements in their lives. In many cases time spent volunteering has helped people secure full time employment in jobs they want. Others are just happier and more confident.

Workways+ recognises the great value of volunteering and actively seek out opportunities for people to take part. One volunteering opportunity came about for Park House Residential Services, which is part of Action for Children Cymru.

Park House, which is located in Sandsfield, Port Talbot provides residential short breaks for children and young people with disabilities who are aged between 8 and 18.
Workways+ approached Park House Manager Sarah Chilcott with the offer to paint the external fences. Sarah gratefully accepted. The Workways+ group of volunteers whole heartily welcomed this opportunity and a date has been set in early summer. Park House was delighted with this offer. Raring to get going the Workways volunteers proposed carrying out some internal painting. Sarah gave this consideration and asked if they would be happy with painting a bedroom, which was welcomed by the volunteers.
The volunteers were not satisfied with painting a plain wall. Using all of their skills and imagination, they set about creating a nautical theme with bright colours and images depicting the seaside.

A happy Sarah Chilcott said, “The bedroom looks fantastic. Its already made such a difference and one of the children who stayed on Tuesday evening quickly identified he wanted to stay in the sea room! We would like to thank all of the volunteers.”
Workways+ volunteer Meihslang said, “I am really happy to volunteer with Workways+, they have helped me so much in my drive to get back to work. Supporting Action for Children at Park House is so important to me. My own daughter has benefitted from a similar service and I know how much children and young people will gain from it.”

Carol Hooper of Workways+ said, “People sometimes think of volunteering as not for them. However, time and again it has been proven that volunteering has massive benefits for the volunteer. I have seen lonely people with low self-esteem and confidence blossom into confident happy people with futures through spending time volunteering. It is great for experience, skills development and meeting people. For unemployed and economically disadvantaged people, volunteering is a very positive step towards them improving their lives.”

Workways+ is part funded by the European Social Fund via the Welsh Government.
To find out about the services of Action for Children Cymru access www.actionforchildren.org.uk

For further information on how Workways+ can help you please text or call 07943 986122 / email workways@npt.gov.uk or visit www.workways.wales