Box Office Hit with Hadley

Hadley was referred to Workways+ by Job Centre Plus as he was keen to re-enter the world of work after being out of work for some years. Hadley has been volunteering with the Paul Sartori Foundation and had a varied employment history but was finding it difficult to progress into paid work after a period of ill health.

Working closely with his Mentor, Hannah, and the Volunteering Development Coordinator at Workways+ a volunteering placement was found for Hadley in the office at Theatr Gwaun.

Vanessa, Office Manager at Theatr Gwaun said, “Theatr Gwaun is very pleased to be able to offer Hadley an opportunity to volunteer in our busy office.  Always extremely punctual Hadley is developing his office skills and is growing in confidence with every visit."

Theatr Gwaun is a community run venue that offers a number of different volunteering opportunities and relies on volunteers to remain open.

Hadley started doing a few hours a week in the office, since October, and has been learning valuable office skills. “Hadley has been very enthusiastic about his volunteering at the Theatr”, commented Workways+ Mentor Hannah, “his self-esteem has really increased and he is very eager to apply for jobs that will utilise his new skills.”

Talking about his involvement in the Workways+ project, and his volunteering, Hadley said, “The biggest thing it has given me is confidence.”

Councillor Keith Lewis, the Deputy Leader of Pembrokeshire County Council and Cabinet Member for Economy and Communities said: “It’s great to see the Workways+ project working in partnership with voluntary organisations to support people in Pembrokeshire to access roles that both contribute to the growth of their own skills and provides wider benefits to the community. 

“I hope that the new confidence and skills Hadley has acquired will help him reach his goal of employment in the local area.”

Workways+ is backed by £7.5m of EU funds through the Welsh Government. The project is led by Neath Port Talbot Council in collaboration with Swansea, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion Councils.