Harbour Way

Harbour Way

Harbour Way is a strategic road to improve the links between the A48 at Margam / M4 Junction 38 and breathe new economic life into the Port Talbot docks area. 


This £107m three year project has been managed and delivered by Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and supported by the Welsh Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) convergence programme.

Harbour Way will significantly improve access to Harbourside - Port Talbot's multi million pound re-development of 150 acres of the town's former docks quarter to transform the area into a new knowledge focused business hub, creating hundreds of skilled jobs.  Plans are also in place for further development phases of the wider Harbourside Park development as the overall site has the capacity to accommodate an additional 75,000 sq ft of space with a potential investment of over £12m and creation of a further 700 new jobs. Proposals are also in the pipeline for a future residential and leisure offering which will sit adjacent to the dockside and river corridor.

The three year construction phase has also been instrumental in providing local supply chain and skilled training and job opportunities in the Port Talbot area managed by lead contractor, Costain. Over £40m worth of work (90% of which was awarded to businesses in Wales) was sub-contracted through bespoke 'Meet the Buyer' events hosted by Costain to introduce local suppliers to the project. 41 local residents have secured sustainable jobs on the Harbour Way construction project and local schools and university students have benefited from over 50 weeks of work experience over the project lifetime.