The Employer Support Group

The Employer Support Group - improving support for your company

The Employer Support Group is a collaborative approach from a group of organisations (including Workways) who offer business and recruitment support.

The Employer Support Group will provide your company with a first point of contact for receiving recruitment and business support, and for keeping you informed of the latest developments in local and national services. The following organisations form the Employer Support Group:

Workways+ Employer Support Group NPT

A representative from the Employer Support Group can meet with you to:

  • Discuss support available to your company
  • Identify any training and employment opportunities

The Employer Support Group can assist with your company’s recruitment needs by:

  • Advertising job vacancies to all the organisations in the Employer Support Group. We will undertake a vacancy matching exercise on your behalf to ensure suitable candidates are made available.
  • Providing you with a shortlist of candidates, with information of any incentives available to each individual e.g. Work Trials, ReAct funding.
  • Scheduling interview days (on request).
  • Processing any relevant return to work incentives following selection of the successful candidate

To see how your company could benefit from the help of the Employer Support Group, contact your local Workways team.