Paid Work Opportunities

Paid Work Opportunity

Supporting employers to employ local people

By providing

The opportunity for local individuals to fulfil employment goals

A temporary job which enables participants to compete more effectively in today’s competitive job market

We will:

  • Work with you to identify a suitable role and create a job description
  • Select suitable candidates from our pool of Workways+ Participants to meet both company and individual requirements
  • Subsidise the participants wages for the agreed period
  • Assist with the provision of equipment, tools and clothing
  • Provide job specific training to assist the participants fulfil their potential
  • Offer continued support to both you and the participant to ensure a smooth transition to sustainable employment

“Workways has helped enormously. Their process allows us to see how people actually get on doing the job before we take them on permanently – it’s something you can’t do with just an interview. We definitely hope to use Workways again.” Sandra Beynon, Manager, Co-Op Kingsway