Costain Case Study
Matching local people with
businesses, helping them gain employment
Pictured left to right – John
Skentelbery, Project Manager, HarbourWay, Costain. Rob Morgans,
Workways Employer Liaison Officer
‘Workways source
opportunities and provide tailored assistance to ease participants
into employment.’
Workways Employer Support Costain –
Harbour Way Project Various positions
A‘Meet the Buyer’ event was held at
the Aberavon Beach Hotel where local contractors had the
opportunity to learn about the forthcoming developments and
potential opportunities.
Following the event Workways met with
Harbour Way Project Manager John Skentelbery who provided job
descriptions for the initial posts.
Workways advertised the vacancies to
all representatives of the Employer Support Group, including all
convergence projects, Jobcentre Plus and Careers Wales in order to
match suitable people.
Workways collated over 200 CV’s and
shortlisted suitable candidates for each post before assisting with
the interview schedule.
‘I am very pleased with
the support that we have received from Workways in sourcing
suitable candidates for our vacancies. Our future recruitment plans
will continue with Workways support and the wider Employer Support
Group within Neath PortTalbot’.
‘I would urge our
contractors to consider engaging with Workways Employer Liaison
Officers regarding their recruitment needs’.
‘The support we have
received fromWorkways and the wider Employer Support Group has been
a god send’.
John Skentelbery Harbour Way Project
Manager Costain
Costain and the HarbourWay Project:
- Developing a 4.8 mile link between
Port Talbot town centre and junction 38 of the M4, with a view to
increasing business growth in the area
- The £170 million project aims to
create substantial job opportunities during the three year
construction phase