- A Successful Relocation


When online giant Amazon announced that it would be creating over 1,000 jobs at a new distribution centre in Neath Port Talbot, the Council and Welsh Government pulled out all the stops to ensure there were no delays to Amazon's tight timetable.

It took just 22 days from the submission of the planning application for approval to be granted and the whole project from initial discussions to official opening took just 15 months, a remarkable achievement considering the scale of the development.

The 800,000sq ft centre - equivalent in size to 10 football fields, involved the construction of a 75,000 square metre building, parking for 175 vehicles and the capacity for up to 100 freight movements each day. The recent opening of the centre has provided a massive boost to the area as it represents a huge investment in terms of the number of jobs. 

The complexity of the project and the speed at which it was handled was recognised at the recent Insider Property Awards at which the Council and the Welsh Government received the Deal of the Year award.

“One of the major reasons we chose Swansea Bay as a location was because of the pool of local talent we could draw from, and it is fantastic that so many people from the area are joining us”.

Chris Griner, Senior Operations Manager