

ProAct provides training assistance to businesses experiencing difficulties due to the economic downturn and to those looking to prepare for recovery by up-skilling their workforce.

The £48m Welsh Government scheme provides financial support towards training that prevents redundancy while supporting the wage costs of those undergoing training.

ProAct offers £2,000 per person for training and a further £2,000 as a wage subsidy.

Companies looking to apply will need to submit a Business Case explaining their situation and the need for assistance. If approved, help to prepare a training plan to assist in the business recovery will be provided.

They will also need to demonstrate:

  • Viability prior to the economic downturn
  • Plans to introduce short time working at a minimum of 20% (1 day a week) during the period the training will be under taken
  • Have made, or are considering redundancies should they not be able to secure funding from ProAct.

To find out more, contact the ProAct Team on 0845 6066160.