Employer Support Group

Neath Port Talbot Employer Support Group - Improving employer Liaison

The Employer Support Group is a collaborative approach from a range of organisations offering business and employment services to companies within the county Borough area.

For further information  on all of our partners, please click below:


Job Centre Plus

Careers Wales

NPTCBC Business Services

Business Wales


NPT College Group

Communities for Work

Skills for Industry

Working together for the benefit of companies, the Group will provide a co-ordinated information and support offer to ensure that organisations receive comprehensive and inclusive recruitment support and are kept informed of the latest developments in local and national services.

The NPT Employer Support Group (ESG) has been established to:

- Meet the needs of companies as employers
- Raise awareness of all employer support available
- Identify opportunities with the potential to create local jobs
- Ensure a partnership approach to supporting companies
- Provide a single point of contact for accessing support

A representative of the ESG will meet with you to:

- Discuss the support available specific to your company
- Identify any training and employment opportunities

Any job opportunities can be advertised to all partner organisations who will undertake a vacancy matching exercise to ensure suitable candidates are made available.

You will be provided with a shortlist of candidates with information of any incentives attached to each individual e.g. Work trials, ReAct funding.

On request interview schedules can be arranged and following selection any return to work incentives that apply will be processed and any on-going support will be provided.

To see how your company could benefit from any support from the Employer Support Group contact:

Claire Roach
Community Benefits Officer, NPTCBC
Telephone: 01639 686427
Email: c.roach@npt.gov.uk