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Parents and Carers

Parents and Carers

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Telephone Numbers
Information about Child Protection Procedures
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pdf Keeping Children Safe A Guide for Parents and Carers
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What can I do if I am worried about a child?

Tell someone who can help.

Members of the public have an important role to play in helping to protect children from harm.

If you think a child is being abused, or at risk of being abused, tell:

  • Social Services
  • The Police, or the

These agencies can help.

You should not try to sort the matter out yourself, or confront an aledged abuser.

Do not worry about being mistaken. It is better to tell someone who knows about protecting children than it is to say nothing.

What if a child or young person tells me that they're being abused?

  • Show that you are listening and that you are taking the matter seriously.
  • Write down what you have heard using the exact words where possible.
  • Explain that you will need to share what you have been told with someone who knows about protecting children.
  • Ring Social Services, the Police or the NSPCC and tell them what you know.

What should I do if I am worried about someone's behaviour towards a child or young person?

  • Don't dismiss your concerns or leave it to someone else to take action.
  • Ring Social Services, the Police or the NSPCC and tell them what's worrying you.
  • Who Should I contact?

Important Telephone Numbers

Neath Port Talbot



Police: 01792 450658 or 01792 456999

NSPCC: 0800 800 500

NSPCC Website

NSPCC Underware Rule Capaign

Parents and carers can have simple conversations to help keep children safe from sexual abuse

NSPCC Child Protection Resources

You should never delay in passing on your concerns to somebody who is in a position to help and who is able to ensure that a proper investigation takes place. Be assured, you will always be taken seriously.

Both Social Services and the Police have a 24 hour service.

Public Health Wales has information ,including a video on Preventing Non-Accidental Head Injury (NAHI) in Infants.

A campaign which is supported by Children in Wales was launched at an all Wales conference held on 30th September 2013 which highlights the challenges of coping with a crying infant and clearly states that it is harmful to shake a baby.

Please click this link to view the website and videos.

Interested in becoming a Foster Carer, or already are?

Here are some links that you may find helpful

Children and Young People Partnership Websites

The pages below show information on what Local Authorities outline in their partnership working.


Neath Port Talbot


Children's Commissioner Office

The Children's Commisioner for Wales speaks on behalf of children and young people, providing them with information about rights and encourages them to have a say on things that affect their lives.
Visit the website:

Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales

CSSIW Website


If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, follow up your concerns with the person who is dealing with the matter. If you are still dissatisfied, contact:

Neath Port Talbot

01639 763445

Click here for website


01792 637345

Click here for website


01656 642253

Click here for website

Keeping children and young people safe is everybody's business.