Online job applications

12. Online job applications

If you are completing an online application it is always advisable to copy it into a word processing package which will enable you to work on it, spell check it, print it out and read it thoroughly before submitting the original.

Some electronic applications are automatically scanned for key selection criteria. To help them to get through this initial stage you must make sure that you use the appropriate words from the job description. For example it if states that excellent communication skills are essential, make sure that you use 'communication skills' in your application.

Some electronic applications do not allow you to save what you have done and return to it. Others may time you out.


  • All applications look the same. This means the employer does not have to deal with different fonts, paper size, layout etc.
  • Applications always arrive in perfect condition. Not squashed or creased in the post.
  • You don't have to worry about your handwriting.
  • Online applications usually do not allow you to leave blanks. Therefore it is difficult to miss out important information.


  • You need access to a computer.
  • You need to be able to use a computer.
  • You can get lazy with spell check or forget it altogether.

To get started in your job search, have a look at the Workways Jobkit:

1.Deciding on the right job 8. Letter writing 15. After the interview
2.Finding the right job 9. Example covering letter 16. Types of interview
3.Useful websites 10. Example speculative letter 17. 60 common interview questions
4.What is a CV? 11. Completing an application form 18. Questions to ask
5.Your personal profile 12. Online job applications 19. Starting your new job
6.Example CV 13. Interview preparation  
7.Telephone Contacts 14. At the interview