Looking for work?

Looking for work?

Are you unemployed, not in education, economically inactive and aged over 25?

Workways+ can:

  • Assist you in overcoming any barrier to work
  • Ensure you access all relevant support
  • Build confidence
  • Identify areas for training
  • Help and support you into employment
  • Help identify your potential

By Providing:

  • A personal mentor who will identify your skills and work with you to develop a job action plan
  • Job search support
  • Help with writing CVs and completing job applications
  • Local job vacancies to match your skills – it doesn’t matter if you lack qualifications or experience
  • Access to relevant training opportunities
  • Some participants with a paid temporary job with a local employer – financial support is available for training, clothing and childcare

To find out more, contact your local office

Take a look at the journey of three of our past participants and their employers by clicking on the image below:-

Workways Participant

We will have outreach and job search sessions throughout the week where you can come along and see us, email us with your contact details so we can keep you informed of  dates and times.

To get started in your job search, have a look at the Workways + Jobkit:

1.Deciding on the right job 8. Letter writing 15. After the interview
2.Finding the right job 9. Example covering letter 16. Types of interview
3.Useful websites 10. Example speculative letter 17. 60 common interview questions
4.What is a CV? 11. Completing an application form 18. Questions to ask
5.Your personal profile 12. Online job applications 19. Starting your new job
6.Example CV 13. Interview preparation  
7.Telephone Contacts 14. At the interview