Supporting Tourism Businesses

Tourism is an important and growing part of Neath Port Talbot’s economy.

In 2016 alone there were 1.47 million visitors to the area contributing £110 million to the local economy. The tourism industry also provides more than 1578 jobs within the locality.

On this page you will find information ranging from our overarching Destination Management Plan to visitor research and statistics relating to Neath Port Talbot.


Neath Port Talbot Destination Management Plan 2015-2020
File type Document File size
pdf Destination Management Plan
3.97 MB
Visitor Research relating to Neath Port Talbot
File type Document File size
pdf Neath Port Talbot Visitor Research Report 2017
1.02 MB
pdf Neath Port Talbot Visitor Research 2017 - Cross Tabulations
131 KB
pdf Wales National Visitor Survey 2016 - Neath Port Talbot Findings
457 KB
The Volume and Value of Tourism in Neath Port Talbot
File type Document File size
pdf Neath Port Talbot STEAM Statistics 2016
185 KB
Mountain biking in wales: Is your business geared up for the challenge?
File type Document File size
pdf Mountain Biking In Wales Guide For Businesses
1.51 MB

Neath Port Talbot Destination Photography Bank

The Neath Port Talbot Tourism Photography Bank is intended for use by tourism operators and those associated with the promotion of Neath Port Talbot as a visitor destination. The photography bank includes photography of the area’s tourist attractions, landscape and outdoor activities.

Businesses from other sectors based in Neath Port Talbot are also able to use the photography for inward investment purposes.

To access the Neath Port Talbot Tourism Photography Bank you please download and complete following agreement. 
Neath Port Talbot Tourism Photography Bank Agreement
File type Document File size
docx Neath Port Talbot Tourism Photography Bank Agreement
803 KB

Tourism Development in Neath Port Talbot Project 2016-2019

The Tourism Development in Neath Port Talbot project will assist tourism operators to raise the profile of Neath Port Talbot as a visitor destination. 

The Tourism Development in Neath Port Talbot project will:

  • Map the business development needs of tourism operators in the rural wards of Neath Port Talbot and give guidance on where to access business support
  • Undertake research into the needs and wants of visitors to the rural wards of Neath Port Talbot
  • Deliver sense of place networking events for tourism operators
  • Establish networks made up of tourism operators in the rural wards of Neath Port Talbot to deliver destination management actions
  • Deliver a pilot project to create a digital portal for visitor information relating to Neath Port Talbot.

The Tourism Development in Neath Port Talbot project is funded by Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

For more information on the Tourism Development in Neath Port Talbot Project contact Tourism on 01639 686417 or email

Privacy Statement

The General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR), which came into force on the 25th May 2018, governs how Neath Port Talbot Council’s (NPTCBC) Tourism Service deals with your information.  The Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Tourism Service Privacy Notice is available via the following link