Tourism Service Privacy Notice

The General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR), which came into force on the 25th May 2018, governs how Neath Port Talbot Council’s (NPTCBC) Tourism Service deals with your information.
This Privacy Notice sets out how we use your information and the rights that you have in relation to the GDPR.
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (NPTCBC), acts as Data Controller for the personal data that the Tourism Service holds about you.

1. How we use your information

We will use your basic business information in the following ways;
• In the compilation of a mailing list and bed stock count for the tourism industry in Neath Port Talbot
• An online listing of accommodation providers, activity providers and attractions located in Neath Port Talbot which is displayed on the NTPCBC operated and websites
• In the delivery of any direct advice and assistance to your business in partnership with the NPTCBC Economic Development Team.
In addition to the activities above we may use your information to fulfil the reporting requirements for specific projects being delivered by the Tourism Service.  NPTCBC is required to record information about participants in projects which it delivers.
If requested, the above information will be shared with other departments of Neath Port Talbot Council, Welsh Government and the Welsh European Funding Office who may wish to contact you to verify your involvement in ongoing projects being delivered by the NPTCBC Tourism Service.
Your information may also be shared with other organisations where we have a legal obligation to do so.

2. Information we hold about you

The personal information that we hold about you depends upon how you engage with the NPTCBC Tourism Service.

• Tourism Industry Mailing List & Bed Stock List- We hold a list of all tourism operators in Neath Port Talbot which contains the following information;
Business name
Personal contact name
Telephone number
Email address
Website address
Bed stock data for each individual accommodation business. 

If you join our mailing list by completing a sign up form on we will use your personal information to;

  • Periodically send the Dramatic Heart of Wales newsletter to the email address you have provided.
  • Send you information such as news, events or promotions which we feel are of interest to you.

You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email you receive from us or you can email us at or contact the Tourism Service by telephone on 01639 686417.

We will use your personal email address to send you information as set out above.

We use a system called Campaign Monitor to distribute our newsletter. This personal data is collected only where you provide your consent that you wish to be kept informed.

• Stakeholder Meetings (Task and Finish Groups) - If you have attended a stakeholder meeting linked to the delivery of the Neath Port Talbot Destination Management Plan you will have provided the following information in order to register your attendance at the meeting;
Company/ Organisation Name
Email Address
Telephone Number

The information below is stored securely in a Microsoft Excel spread sheet in addition to a secure database maintained by the NPTCBC Economic Development Service. All paper copies of documents are stored securely in locked cabinets.

• Listings on and - If you are an accommodation provider your website address and the address of your business (including a google map) will be added to the above websites in addition to other useful information which includes star ratings and bed spaces. If you are an activity provider or attraction your website address will be included within the relevant sections of the above websites.

• In the delivery of any direct advice and assistance to your business - If you have received, or intend to receive, advice and assistance from any member of the NPTCBC Tourism Team or Economic Development Team please refer to the NPTCBC Economic Development Services Privacy Statement on NPT Business Website.

• Sense of Place Events - If you have attended a Sense of Place Event you will be asked to provide the following information;
Telephone number
Whether you are a welsh speaker
The name of your business/ organisation and the wards operated in.

• Business Development Mapping Exercise – If you have completed a questionnaire with the Tourism Service you will be asked to provide the following information;
Telephone number
Your age range
Whether you are a welsh speaker
The name of your business/ organisation and the wards operated in.
Detailed information about the operation of your business

• Photography Bank
In order to access the Neath Port Talbot Tourism Photography Bank you will be required to complete a simple agreement which protects NPTCBC from any losses associated with the illegal reproduction of the photography. As part of this agreement you will provide us with the following business information;
Contact Name
Business/ Organisation Name
Post Code
Telephone Number
Email Address
Website Address

3. Our legal basis for using your information and how long we will keep it for

We will process your information on the following legal basis:
(i) The data processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. Article 6 (c) GDPR
(ii) The data processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. Article 6 (e) GDPR.

Your information will be retained as long as your business/ organisation is located in, and operates from Neath Port Talbot County Borough.

If your business/ organisation ceases to trade, or moves out of the County Borough, your information will be retained for sufficient time to enable us to respond to any questions that may arise as a result.

Where your business/ organisation has received grant funding your information will be retained as above and for up to a further six years in line with the Council’s document retention policy.

If you have opted-in to receiving relevant tourism industry news items from Neath Port Talbot CBC via our Tourism Industry Mailing List you will have provided your agreement for us to process your data. We will continue to hold your information for the lifetime of your business/ organisation or until you request to be removed from the mailing list by emailing

When your information is no longer required, it will be securely destroyed.

Please note that we are required to collect certain personal data under statutory requirements and in such cases a failure by you to provide that information to us may result in the Council being unable to provide you with a service and/or could render you liable to legal proceedings. 
We would inform you that under Article 21 GDPR you have the right at any time to object to the Authority about the fact that we are processing your personal data as above.
The Council will not transfer any of your personal data outside of the European Union.  All processing of your personal data by us will be carried out in the United Kingdom or other European Union countries.
The Council will not use your personal data for the purposes of automated decision making.

4. Your rights in relation to your information

Please be advised that under GDPR individuals are given the following rights in regards to their personal data:
i. The right of access to their personal data held by a data controller.
ii. The right to have inaccurate data corrected by a data controller.
iii. The right to have their data erased (in certain limited circumstances). 
iv. The right to restrict the processing of their data by a data controller (in certain limited circumstances).
v. The right to object to their data being used for direct marketing.
vi. The right to data portability (i.e. electronic transfer of data to another data controller).
You have the right to complain to the Information commissioner about any breach of your data protection rights. Details of how you can do this are on the Information Commissioners Office website  

Further information on all the above rights may be obtained from the Information Commissioner’s website:  

5. How to contact us

If you have any questions about how NPTCBC uses your information or you wish to contact us to make a complaint about the use of your information please contact the NPTCBC Data Protection Officer at the following address;

Data Protection Officer
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Civic Centre
Port Talbot
SA13 1PJ